


Have you been receiving a larger-than-usual number of spam texts and calls? 你并不孤单.

联邦贸易委员会(FTC)报告称,它收到了 334,833 投诉 about scam texts last year, more than double the amount from the prior year. The trend is running rampant around the world, with people being exposed to about 诈骗信息增加125% 比以前每3个月.1

数以百万计的诈骗信息, 有时被称为“调情短信”,” are hitting the phones of consumers and appearing to be from genuine sources, 包括银行和信用合作社, 快递服务和在线零售商, 公用事业公司, 甚至是彩票办公室. The sophisticated criminals behind these texts and calls can spoof numbers that may appear as a business you know – or simply have a local area code. 横跨美国.S., 据报损失8600万美元 2020年从诈骗短信.2

整体, the fraudster’s goal is to convince you to surrender personal information… whether it’s account or Social Security numbers, 数码银行密码, 信用卡或借记卡号码, or even data that might help them guess your security question answers. 另外, these scammers might have a goal of convincing you to transfer money from your accounts to theirs. It’s important to be aware of these refined scams and do your best to protect yourself and your identity.



  • 社交媒体: 当你允许知名的社交媒体平台, 他们把你的信息传递给广告商. This quickly widens the chance your number will be exposed through a data leak. 另外, 如果你的电话号码被公开在社交媒体网站上, there is a good chance it has been found and added to the databases of these fraudsters.
  • 在线提交: There are a variety of reasons that consumers share their phone numbers, 包括参加比赛, 加入奖励计划, 填写表格或调查, 等. 当你以这些格式分享你的号码时, there is always a higher potential it will be found by those with ill-intentions.
  • 随机数字: These criminals may use artificial intelligence to call random phone numbers, 希望电话那头有真正的人类.
  • 文本的反应: 如果你曾经回复过诈骗短信, 即使不是有意的, your number has likely been tagged as valid and sold to additional spammers. Replying to these messages increases the likelihood of receiving more spam calls and texts.
  • 数据泄漏: As fraud becomes a more organized crime, these spammers will target companies to  获得访问其消费者数据的权限. When successful, your information, including your phone number, email, usernames, 和更多的,  是否会被泄露并成为欺诈通信的目标.


While all fraudsters take a unique approach, these items consistently appear as common themes:

  • 拼写 & 语法错误: 欺诈ulent texts are often full of poor grammar, spelling errors, and awkward verbiage. 当一个真正的企业给你一个信息, it is typically free of mistakes and uses proper grammar and punctuation.
  • 神秘的链接: If a text message includes a suspicious link, this is a common sign that it is fraudulent. Refrain from clicking on the link or following any instructions listed in the message.
  • 意想不到的消息: Why would you receive a tracking link from a company if you didn’t order anything? You reasonably know what companies you’ll hear from based on your shopping history, so ignore other messages from businesses where you have no affiliation.
  • 索取代码: 您的金融机构, 甚至是零售商, 不会打电话问你一次性密码之类的数据吗. 保密个人密码, even those temporary ones that you receive via text to verify your identity, and report any that may ask you for it directly to the company they’re claiming to be.




While it’s difficult to block these types of calls and texts because they come from various numbers, 使用这些提示将有助于确保您的身份更安全:

  • 小心泄露个人信息. 合法的机构, 包括银行, 政府部门, and businesses will not ask for your personal or financial data through unsolicited texts or phone calls. Being careful about how and where you disclose this information online is a critical first step to protecting your identity. Be especially cautious of any text or call asking you to “verify” or “update” your account details or credentials.
  • 访问网站或直接给公司打电话. 当你不确定沟通是否合法时, 比如短信或电话, 最好忽略它,直接联系那家公司. 另外, do not trust caller ID as fraudsters can spoof phone numbers and trick consumers into believing their calls are authentic.
  • 不要回复可疑信息. 当你回复诈骗信息时, 它向垃圾邮件发送者证实了你是一个真实的人, 这可能会让你成为他们未来的目标. 通常, fraudsters attempt to trick you into replying by sending messages asking you to reply “STOP” to be removed from receiving future messages. 别让这些罪犯骗了你去回答, 这可能会导致未来更多的垃圾电话和短信.


好吧,最好不要这样做. 但如果真的发生了,接下来可能会发生的事情是:

点击链接可能会把你带到一个虚假的网站, designed with the sole intent of capturing your financial or personal data. 在很多情况下, this website will infect your phone with malware with the purpose of spying on your cell phone activity. If that’s not enough, this malware will slow down your phone by taking up memory space.

If you realize you’ve mistakenly shared data with a fraudster, follow these steps:

  • Reach out to your credit union or bank for guidance in securing your financial accounts.
  • 更改这些帐户的用户名和密码, 使用与可能被感染的设备不同的设备.
  • 向你的手机运营商报告这种欺诈行为, as they might be able to take action if multiple consumers are experiencing the same issue.
  • 如有任何经济损失,请联系当地执法部门.



好的赌博软件推荐 is here to support you with advice and education to protect yourself and your assets. 哪个赌钱app比较好 有疑问,担心,或报告可疑活动. 此外,利用信用合作社提供的这些资源:


元素 provides members with 卡控制 – an app for iOS and Android devices that allows you to keep tabs on your credit and debit cards, 轻按按钮即可打开或关闭它们, 在使用它们时接收通知, 设定开支限制.



This resource allows you to see an up-to-date version of your credit score for free within Online and Mobile Banking. +, you’ll receive a letter grade rating of how well you are performing in each of the five credit focus areas. This is the perfect tool to monitor your score and ensure fraudsters are not opening unauthorized accounts under your identity.



我们的建议部分, 包括文章和快速视频, 深入研究其他与欺诈相关的话题,包括浪漫骗局, 身份盗窃, 就业欺诈, 和更多的. Explore these resources to gain further knowledge to feel empowered to avoid fraud.



元素 makes protecting your identity easier by offering a variety of programs that you can enroll in. 找到适合你需要的选择.




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